aws transfer create-server

Instantiates an autoscaling virtual server based on the selected file transfer protocol in AWS. When you make updates to your file transfer protocol-enabled server or when you work with users, use the service-generated ServerId property that is assigned to the newly created server


--certificate <string>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate. Required when Protocols is set to FTPS. To request a new public certificate, see Request a public certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. To import an existing certificate into ACM, see Importing certificates into ACM in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. To request a private certificate to use FTPS through private IP addresses, see Request a private certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. Certificates with the following cryptographic algorithms and key sizes are supported: 2048-bit RSA (RSA_2048) 4096-bit RSA (RSA_4096) Elliptic Prime Curve 256 bit (EC_prime256v1) Elliptic Prime Curve 384 bit (EC_secp384r1) Elliptic Prime Curve 521 bit (EC_secp521r1) The certificate must be a valid SSL/TLS X.509 version 3 certificate with FQDN or IP address specified and information about the issuer
--domain <string>
--endpoint-details <structure>The virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint settings that are configured for your server. When you host your endpoint within your VPC, you can make it accessible only to resources within your VPC, or you can attach Elastic IPs and make it accessible to clients over the internet. Your VPC's default security groups are automatically assigned to your endpoint
--endpoint-type <string>The type of VPC endpoint that you want your server to connect to. You can choose to connect to the public internet or a VPC endpoint. With a VPC endpoint, you can restrict access to your server and resources only within your VPC. It is recommended that you use VPC as the EndpointType. With this endpoint type, you have the option to directly associate up to three Elastic IPv4 addresses (BYO IP included) with your server's endpoint and use VPC security groups to restrict traffic by the client's public IP address. This is not possible with EndpointType set to VPC_ENDPOINT
--host-key <string>The RSA private key as generated by the ssh-keygen -N "" -m PEM -f my-new-server-key command. If you aren't planning to migrate existing users from an existing SFTP-enabled server to a new server, don't update the host key. Accidentally changing a server's host key can be disruptive. For more information, see Change the host key for your SFTP-enabled server in the AWS Transfer Family User Guide
--identity-provider-details <structure>Required when IdentityProviderType is set to API_GATEWAY. Accepts an array containing all of the information required to call a customer-supplied authentication API, including the API Gateway URL. Not required when IdentityProviderType is set to SERVICE_MANAGED
--identity-provider-type <string>Specifies the mode of authentication for a server. The default value is SERVICE_MANAGED, which allows you to store and access user credentials within the AWS Transfer Family service. Use the API_GATEWAY value to integrate with an identity provider of your choosing. The API_GATEWAY setting requires you to provide an API Gateway endpoint URL to call for authentication using the IdentityProviderDetails parameter
--logging-role <string>Allows the service to write your users' activity to your Amazon CloudWatch logs for monitoring and auditing purposes
--protocols <list>Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are: SFTP (Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol): File transfer over SSH FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure): File transfer with TLS encryption FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Unencrypted file transfer If you select FTPS, you must choose a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) which will be used to identify your server when clients connect to it over FTPS. If Protocol includes either FTP or FTPS, then the EndpointType must be VPC and the IdentityProviderType must be API_GATEWAY. If Protocol includes FTP, then AddressAllocationIds cannot be associated. If Protocol is set only to SFTP, the EndpointType can be set to PUBLIC and the IdentityProviderType can be set to SERVICE_MANAGED
--security-policy-name <string>Specifies the name of the security policy that is attached to the server
--tags <list>Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for servers
--cli-input-json <string>Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by ``--generate-cli-skeleton``. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally
--generate-cli-skeleton <string>Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value ``input``, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for ``--cli-input-json``. If provided with the value ``output``, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command