aws mediatailor

Use the AWS Elemental MediaTailor SDKs and CLI to configure scalable ad insertion and linear channels. With MediaTailor, you can assemble existing content into a linear stream and serve targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications. For information about using the service, including detailed information about the settings covered in this guide, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor User Guide. Through the SDKs and the CLI you manage AWS Elemental MediaTailor configurations and channels the same as you do through the console. For example, you specify ad insertion behavior and mapping information for the origin server and the ad decision server (ADS)


create-channelCreates a channel
create-programCreates a program
create-source-locationCreates a source location on a specific channel
create-vod-sourceCreates name for a specific VOD source in a source location
delete-channelDeletes a channel. You must stop the channel before it can be deleted
delete-channel-policyDeletes a channel's IAM policy
delete-playback-configurationDeletes the playback configuration for the specified name
delete-programDeletes a specific program on a specific channel
delete-source-locationDeletes a source location on a specific channel
delete-vod-sourceDeletes a specific VOD source in a specific source location
describe-channelDescribes the properties of a specific channel
describe-programRetrieves the properties of the requested program
describe-source-locationRetrieves the properties of the requested source location
describe-vod-sourceProvides details about a specific VOD source in a specific source location
get-channel-policyRetrieves information about a channel's IAM policy
get-channel-scheduleRetrieves information about your channel's schedule
get-playback-configurationReturns the playback configuration for the specified name
list-channelsRetrieves a list of channels that are associated with this account
list-playback-configurationsReturns a list of the playback configurations defined in AWS Elemental MediaTailor. You can specify a maximum number of configurations to return at a time. The default maximum is 50. Results are returned in pagefuls. If MediaTailor has more configurations than the specified maximum, it provides parameters in the response that you can use to retrieve the next pageful
list-source-locationsRetrieves a list of source locations
list-tags-for-resourceReturns a list of the tags assigned to the specified playback configuration resource
list-vod-sourcesLists all the VOD sources in a source location
put-channel-policyCreates an IAM policy for the channel
put-playback-configurationAdds a new playback configuration to AWS Elemental MediaTailor
start-channelStarts a specific channel
stop-channelStops a specific channel
tag-resourceAdds tags to the specified playback configuration resource. You can specify one or more tags to add
untag-resourceRemoves tags from the specified playback configuration resource. You can specify one or more tags to remove
update-channelUpdates an existing channel
update-source-locationUpdates a source location on a specific channel
update-vod-sourceUpdates a specific VOD source in a specific source location