aws medialive
API for AWS Elemental MediaLive
Name | Description |
accept-input-device-transfer | Accept an incoming input device transfer. The ownership of the device will transfer to your AWS account |
batch-delete | Starts delete of resources |
batch-start | Starts existing resources |
batch-stop | Stops running resources |
batch-update-schedule | Update a channel schedule |
cancel-input-device-transfer | Cancel an input device transfer that you have requested |
create-channel | Creates a new channel |
create-input | Create an input |
create-input-security-group | Creates a Input Security Group |
create-multiplex | Create a new multiplex |
create-multiplex-program | Create a new program in the multiplex |
create-partner-input | Create a partner input |
create-tags | Create tags for a resource |
delete-channel | Starts deletion of channel. The associated outputs are also deleted |
delete-input | Deletes the input end point |
delete-input-security-group | Deletes an Input Security Group |
delete-multiplex | Delete a multiplex. The multiplex must be idle |
delete-multiplex-program | Delete a program from a multiplex |
delete-reservation | Delete an expired reservation |
delete-schedule | Delete all schedule actions on a channel |
delete-tags | Removes tags for a resource |
describe-channel | Gets details about a channel |
describe-input | Produces details about an input |
describe-input-device | Gets the details for the input device |
describe-input-device-thumbnail | Get the latest thumbnail data for the input device |
describe-input-security-group | Produces a summary of an Input Security Group |
describe-multiplex | Gets details about a multiplex |
describe-multiplex-program | Get the details for a program in a multiplex |
describe-offering | Get details for an offering |
describe-reservation | Get details for a reservation |
describe-schedule | Get a channel schedule |
list-channels | Produces list of channels that have been created |
list-input-device-transfers | List input devices that are currently being transferred. List input devices that you are transferring from your AWS account or input devices that another AWS account is transferring to you |
list-input-devices | List input devices |
list-input-security-groups | Produces a list of Input Security Groups for an account |
list-inputs | Produces list of inputs that have been created |
list-multiplex-programs | List the programs that currently exist for a specific multiplex |
list-multiplexes | Retrieve a list of the existing multiplexes |
list-offerings | List offerings available for purchase |
list-reservations | List purchased reservations |
list-tags-for-resource | Produces list of tags that have been created for a resource |
purchase-offering | Purchase an offering and create a reservation |
reject-input-device-transfer | Reject the transfer of the specified input device to your AWS account |
start-channel | Starts an existing channel |
start-multiplex | Start (run) the multiplex. Starting the multiplex does not start the channels. You must explicitly start each channel |
stop-channel | Stops a running channel |
stop-multiplex | Stops a running multiplex. If the multiplex isn't running, this action has no effect |
transfer-input-device | Start an input device transfer to another AWS account. After you make the request, the other account must accept or reject the transfer |
update-channel | Updates a channel |
update-channel-class | Changes the class of the channel |
update-input | Updates an input |
update-input-device | Updates the parameters for the input device |
update-input-security-group | Update an Input Security Group's Whilelists |
update-multiplex | Updates a multiplex |
update-multiplex-program | Update a program in a multiplex |
update-reservation | Update reservation |
wait | Wait until a particular condition is satisfied. Each subcommand polls an API until the listed requirement is met |