aws mediaconvert

AWS Elemental MediaConvert


associate-certificateAssociates an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with AWS Elemental MediaConvert
cancel-jobPermanently cancel a job. Once you have canceled a job, you can't start it again
create-jobCreate a new transcoding job. For information about jobs and job settings, see the User Guide at
create-job-templateCreate a new job template. For information about job templates see the User Guide at
create-presetCreate a new preset. For information about job templates see the User Guide at
create-queueCreate a new transcoding queue. For information about queues, see Working With Queues in the User Guide at
delete-job-templatePermanently delete a job template you have created
delete-presetPermanently delete a preset you have created
delete-queuePermanently delete a queue you have created
describe-endpointsSend an request with an empty body to the regional API endpoint to get your account API endpoint
disassociate-certificateRemoves an association between the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate and an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource
get-jobRetrieve the JSON for a specific completed transcoding job
get-job-templateRetrieve the JSON for a specific job template
get-presetRetrieve the JSON for a specific preset
get-queueRetrieve the JSON for a specific queue
list-job-templatesRetrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your job templates. This will return the templates themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty templates, use the nextToken string returned with the array
list-jobsRetrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your most recently created jobs. This array includes in-process, completed, and errored jobs. This will return the jobs themselves, not just a list of the jobs. To retrieve the twenty next most recent jobs, use the nextToken string returned with the array
list-presetsRetrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your presets. This will return the presets themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty presets, use the nextToken string returned with the array
list-queuesRetrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your queues. This will return the queues themselves, not just a list of them. To retrieve the next twenty queues, use the nextToken string returned with the array
list-tags-for-resourceRetrieve the tags for a MediaConvert resource
tag-resourceAdd tags to a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template. For information about tagging, see the User Guide at
untag-resourceRemove tags from a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template. For information about tagging, see the User Guide at
update-job-templateModify one of your existing job templates
update-presetModify one of your existing presets
update-queueModify one of your existing queues