aws iotwireless

AWS IoT Wireless API documentation


associate-aws-account-with-partner-accountAssociates a partner account with your AWS account
associate-wireless-device-with-thingAssociates a wireless device with a thing
associate-wireless-gateway-with-certificateAssociates a wireless gateway with a certificate
associate-wireless-gateway-with-thingAssociates a wireless gateway with a thing
create-destinationCreates a new destination that maps a device message to an AWS IoT rule
create-device-profileCreates a new device profile
create-service-profileCreates a new service profile
create-wireless-deviceProvisions a wireless device
create-wireless-gatewayProvisions a wireless gateway
create-wireless-gateway-taskCreates a task for a wireless gateway
create-wireless-gateway-task-definitionCreates a gateway task definition
delete-destinationDeletes a destination
delete-device-profileDeletes a device profile
delete-service-profileDeletes a service profile
delete-wireless-deviceDeletes a wireless device
delete-wireless-gatewayDeletes a wireless gateway
delete-wireless-gateway-taskDeletes a wireless gateway task
delete-wireless-gateway-task-definitionDeletes a wireless gateway task definition. Deleting this task definition does not affect tasks that are currently in progress
disassociate-aws-account-from-partner-accountDisassociates your AWS account from a partner account. If PartnerAccountId and PartnerType are null, disassociates your AWS account from all partner accounts
disassociate-wireless-device-from-thingDisassociates a wireless device from its currently associated thing
disassociate-wireless-gateway-from-certificateDisassociates a wireless gateway from its currently associated certificate
disassociate-wireless-gateway-from-thingDisassociates a wireless gateway from its currently associated thing
get-destinationGets information about a destination
get-device-profileGets information about a device profile
get-partner-accountGets information about a partner account. If PartnerAccountId and PartnerType are null, returns all partner accounts
get-service-endpointGets the account-specific endpoint for Configuration and Update Server (CUPS) protocol or LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) connections
get-service-profileGets information about a service profile
get-wireless-deviceGets information about a wireless device
get-wireless-device-statisticsGets operating information about a wireless device
get-wireless-gatewayGets information about a wireless gateway
get-wireless-gateway-certificateGets the ID of the certificate that is currently associated with a wireless gateway
get-wireless-gateway-firmware-informationGets the firmware version and other information about a wireless gateway
get-wireless-gateway-statisticsGets operating information about a wireless gateway
get-wireless-gateway-taskGets information about a wireless gateway task
get-wireless-gateway-task-definitionGets information about a wireless gateway task definition
list-destinationsLists the destinations registered to your AWS account
list-device-profilesLists the device profiles registered to your AWS account
list-partner-accountsLists the partner accounts associated with your AWS account
list-service-profilesLists the service profiles registered to your AWS account
list-tags-for-resourceLists the tags (metadata) you have assigned to the resource
list-wireless-devicesLists the wireless devices registered to your AWS account
list-wireless-gateway-task-definitionsList the wireless gateway tasks definitions registered to your AWS account
list-wireless-gatewaysLists the wireless gateways registered to your AWS account
send-data-to-wireless-deviceSends a decrypted application data frame to a device
tag-resourceAdds a tag to a resource
test-wireless-deviceSimulates a provisioned device by sending an uplink data payload of Hello
untag-resourceRemoves one or more tags from a resource
update-destinationUpdates properties of a destination
update-partner-accountUpdates properties of a partner account
update-wireless-deviceUpdates properties of a wireless device
update-wireless-gatewayUpdates properties of a wireless gateway