aws iot1click-devices
Describes all of the AWS IoT 1-Click device-related API operations for the service. Also provides sample requests, responses, and errors for the supported web services protocols
Name | Description |
claim-devices-by-claim-code | Adds device(s) to your account (i.e., claim one or more devices) if and only if you received a claim code with the device(s) |
describe-device | Given a device ID, returns a DescribeDeviceResponse object describing the details of the device |
finalize-device-claim | Given a device ID, finalizes the claim request for the associated device. Claiming a device consists of initiating a claim, then publishing a device event, and finalizing the claim. For a device of type button, a device event can be published by simply clicking the device |
get-device-methods | Given a device ID, returns the invocable methods associated with the device |
initiate-device-claim | Given a device ID, initiates a claim request for the associated device. Claiming a device consists of initiating a claim, then publishing a device event, and finalizing the claim. For a device of type button, a device event can be published by simply clicking the device |
invoke-device-method | Given a device ID, issues a request to invoke a named device method (with possible parameters). See the "Example POST" code snippet below |
list-device-events | Using a device ID, returns a DeviceEventsResponse object containing an array of events for the device |
list-devices | Lists the 1-Click compatible devices associated with your AWS account |
list-tags-for-resource | Lists the tags associated with the specified resource ARN |
tag-resource | Adds or updates the tags associated with the resource ARN. See AWS IoT 1-Click Service Limits for the maximum number of tags allowed per resource |
unclaim-device | Disassociates a device from your AWS account using its device ID |
untag-resource | Using tag keys, deletes the tags (key/value pairs) associated with the specified resource ARN |
update-device-state | Using a Boolean value (true or false), this operation enables or disables the device given a device ID |