aws dataexchange

AWS Data Exchange is a service that makes it easy for AWS customers to exchange data in the cloud. You can use the AWS Data Exchange APIs to create, update, manage, and access file-based data set in the AWS Cloud.As a subscriber, you can view and access the data sets that you have an entitlement to through a subscription. You can use the APIS to download or copy your entitled data sets to Amazon S3 for use across a variety of AWS analytics and machine learning services.As a provider, you can create and manage your data sets that you would like to publish to a product. Being able to package and provide your data sets into products requires a few steps to determine eligibility. For more information, visit the AWS Data Exchange User Guide.A data set is a collection of data that can be changed or updated over time. Data sets can be updated using revisions, which represent a new version or incremental change to a data set. A revision contains one or more assets. An asset in AWS Data Exchange is a piece of data that can be stored as an Amazon S3 object. The asset can be a structured data file, an image file, or some other data file. Jobs are asynchronous import or export operations used to create or copy assets


cancel-jobThis operation cancels a job. Jobs can be cancelled only when they are in the WAITING state
create-data-setThis operation creates a data set
create-jobThis operation creates a job
create-revisionThis operation creates a revision for a data set
delete-assetThis operation deletes an asset
delete-data-setThis operation deletes a data set
delete-revisionThis operation deletes a revision
get-assetThis operation returns information about an asset
get-data-setThis operation returns information about a data set
get-jobThis operation returns information about a job
get-revisionThis operation returns information about a revision
list-data-set-revisionsThis operation lists a data set's revisions sorted by CreatedAt in descending order
list-data-setsThis operation lists your data sets. When listing by origin OWNED, results are sorted by CreatedAt in descending order. When listing by origin ENTITLED, there is no order and the maxResults parameter is ignored
list-jobsThis operation lists your jobs sorted by CreatedAt in descending order
list-revision-assetsThis operation lists a revision's assets sorted alphabetically in descending order
list-tags-for-resourceThis operation lists the tags on the resource
start-jobThis operation starts a job
tag-resourceThis operation tags a resource
untag-resourceThis operation removes one or more tags from a resource
update-assetThis operation updates an asset
update-data-setThis operation updates a data set
update-revisionThis operation updates a revision