aws configure

Configure AWS CLI options. If this command is run with no arguments, you will be prompted for configuration values such as your AWS Access Key Id and your AWS Secret Access Key. You can configure a named profile using the ``--profile`` argument. If your config file does not exist (the default location is ``~/.aws/config``), the AWS CLI will create it for you. To keep an existing value, hit enter when prompted for the value. When you are prompted for information, the current value will be displayed in ``[brackets]``. If the config item has no value, it be displayed as ``[None]``. Note that the ``configure`` command only works with values from the config file. It does not use any configuration values from environment variables or the IAM role. Note: the values you provide for the AWS Access Key ID and the AWS Secret Access Key will be written to the shared credentials file (``~/.aws/credentials``). ======================= Configuration Variables ======================= The following configuration variables are supported in the config file: * **aws_access_key_id** - The AWS access key part of your credentials * **aws_secret_access_key** - The AWS secret access key part of your credentials * **aws_session_token** - The session token part of your credentials (session tokens only) * **metadata_service_timeout** - The number of seconds to wait until the metadata service request times out. This is used if you are using an IAM role to provide your credentials. * **metadata_service_num_attempts** - The number of attempts to try to retrieve credentials. If you know for certain you will be using an IAM role on an Amazon EC2 instance, you can set this value to ensure any intermittent failures are retried. By default this value is 1. For more information on configuration options, see `Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface`_ in the *AWS CLI User Guide*. .. _`Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface`:


listList the AWS CLI configuration data. This command will show you the current configuration data. For each configuration item, it will show you the value, where the configuration value was retrieved, and the configuration variable name. For example, if you provide the AWS region in an environment variable, this command will show you the name of the region you've configured, it will tell you that this value came from an environment variable, and it will tell you the name of the environment variable.
getGet a configuration value from the config file. The ``aws configure get`` command can be used to print a configuration value in the AWS config file. The ``get`` command supports two types of configuration values, *unqualified* and *qualified* config values. Note that ``aws configure get`` only looks at values in the AWS configuration file. It does **not** resolve configuration variables specified anywhere else, including environment variables, command line arguments, etc. Unqualified Names ----------------- Every value in the AWS configuration file must be placed in a section (denoted by ``[section-name]`` in the config file). To retrieve a value from the config file, the section name and the config name must be known. An unqualified configuration name refers to a name that is not scoped to a specific section in the configuration file. Sections are specified by separating parts with the ``"."`` character (``section.config-name``). An unqualified name will be scoped to the current profile. For example, ``aws configure get aws_access_key_id`` will retrieve the ``aws_access_key_id`` from the current profile, or the ``default`` profile if no profile is specified. You can still provide a ``--profile`` argument to the ``aws configure get`` command. For example, ``aws configure get region --profile testing`` will print the region value for the ``testing`` profile. Qualified Names --------------- A qualified name is a name that has at least one ``"."`` character in the name. This name provides a way to specify the config section from which to retrieve the config variable. When a qualified name is provided to ``aws configure get``, the currently specified profile is ignored. Section names that have the format ``[profile profile-name]`` can be specified by using the ``profile.profile-name.config-name`` syntax, and the default profile can be specified using the ``default.config-name`` syntax.
setSet a configuration value from the config file. The ``aws configure set`` command can be used to set a single configuration value in the AWS config file. The ``set`` command supports both the *qualified* and *unqualified* config values documented in the ``get`` command (see ``aws configure get help`` for more information). To set a single value, provide the configuration name followed by the configuration value. If the config file does not exist, one will automatically be created. If the configuration value already exists in the config file, it will updated with the new configuration value. Setting a value for the ``aws_access_key_id``, ``aws_secret_access_key``, or the ``aws_session_token`` will result in the value being written to the shared credentials file (``~/.aws/credentials``). All other values will be written to the config file (default location is ``~/.aws/config``).
add-modelAdds a service JSON model to the appropriate location in ~/.aws/models. Once the model gets added, CLI commands and Boto3 clients will be immediately available for the service JSON model provided
importImport CSV credentials generated from the AWS web console
list-profilesList the profiles available to the AWS CLI
ssoInteractively prompts for the configuration values required to create a profile that sources temporary AWS credentials from AWS Single Sign-On