aws codeartifact

AWS CodeArtifact is a fully managed artifact repository compatible with language-native package managers and build tools such as npm, Apache Maven, and pip. You can use CodeArtifact to share packages with development teams and pull packages. Packages can be pulled from both public and CodeArtifact repositories. You can also create an upstream relationship between a CodeArtifact repository and another repository, which effectively merges their contents from the point of view of a package manager client. AWS CodeArtifact Components Use the information in this guide to help you work with the following CodeArtifact components: Repository: A CodeArtifact repository contains a set of package versions, each of which maps to a set of assets, or files. Repositories are polyglot, so a single repository can contain packages of any supported type. Each repository exposes endpoints for fetching and publishing packages using tools like the npm CLI, the Maven CLI ( mvn ), and pip . Domain: Repositories are aggregated into a higher-level entity known as a domain. All package assets and metadata are stored in the domain, but are consumed through repositories. A given package asset, such as a Maven JAR file, is stored once per domain, no matter how many repositories it's present in. All of the assets and metadata in a domain are encrypted with the same customer master key (CMK) stored in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). Each repository is a member of a single domain and can't be moved to a different domain. The domain allows organizational policy to be applied across multiple repositories, such as which accounts can access repositories in the domain, and which public repositories can be used as sources of packages. Although an organization can have multiple domains, we recommend a single production domain that contains all published artifacts so that teams can find and share packages across their organization. Package: A package is a bundle of software and the metadata required to resolve dependencies and install the software. CodeArtifact supports npm, PyPI, and Maven package formats. In CodeArtifact, a package consists of: A name (for example, webpack is the name of a popular npm package) An optional namespace (for example, @types in @types/node) A set of versions (for example, 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc.) Package-level metadata (for example, npm tags) Package version: A version of a package, such as @types/node 12.6.9. The version number format and semantics vary for different package formats. For example, npm package versions must conform to the Semantic Versioning specification. In CodeArtifact, a package version consists of the version identifier, metadata at the package version level, and a set of assets. Upstream repository: One repository is upstream of another when the package versions in it can be accessed from the repository endpoint of the downstream repository, effectively merging the contents of the two repositories from the point of view of a client. CodeArtifact allows creating an upstream relationship between two repositories. Asset: An individual file stored in CodeArtifact associated with a package version, such as an npm .tgz file or Maven POM and JAR files. CodeArtifact supports these operations: AssociateExternalConnection: Adds an existing external connection to a repository. CopyPackageVersions: Copies package versions from one repository to another repository in the same domain. CreateDomain: Creates a domain CreateRepository: Creates a CodeArtifact repository in a domain. DeleteDomain: Deletes a domain. You cannot delete a domain that contains repositories. DeleteDomainPermissionsPolicy: Deletes the resource policy that is set on a domain. DeletePackageVersions: Deletes versions of a package. After a package has been deleted, it can be republished, but its assets and metadata cannot be restored because they have been permanently removed from storage. DeleteRepository: Deletes a repository. DeleteRepositoryPermissionsPolicy: Deletes the resource policy that is set on a repository. DescribeDomain: Returns a DomainDescription object that contains information about the requested domain. DescribePackageVersion: Returns a PackageVersionDescription object that contains details about a package version. DescribeRepository: Returns a RepositoryDescription object that contains detailed information about the requested repository. DisposePackageVersions: Disposes versions of a package. A package version with the status Disposed cannot be restored because they have been permanently removed from storage. DisassociateExternalConnection: Removes an existing external connection from a repository. GetAuthorizationToken: Generates a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in the domain. The token expires the authorization period has passed. The default authorization period is 12 hours and can be customized to any length with a maximum of 12 hours. GetDomainPermissionsPolicy: Returns the policy of a resource that is attached to the specified domain. GetPackageVersionAsset: Returns the contents of an asset that is in a package version. GetPackageVersionReadme: Gets the readme file or descriptive text for a package version. GetRepositoryEndpoint: Returns the endpoint of a repository for a specific package format. A repository has one endpoint for each package format: npm pypi maven GetRepositoryPermissionsPolicy: Returns the resource policy that is set on a repository. ListDomains: Returns a list of DomainSummary objects. Each returned DomainSummary object contains information about a domain. ListPackages: Lists the packages in a repository. ListPackageVersionAssets: Lists the assets for a given package version. ListPackageVersionDependencies: Returns a list of the direct dependencies for a package version. ListPackageVersions: Returns a list of package versions for a specified package in a repository. ListRepositories: Returns a list of repositories owned by the AWS account that called this method. ListRepositoriesInDomain: Returns a list of the repositories in a domain. PutDomainPermissionsPolicy: Attaches a resource policy to a domain. PutRepositoryPermissionsPolicy: Sets the resource policy on a repository that specifies permissions to access it. UpdatePackageVersionsStatus: Updates the status of one or more versions of a package. UpdateRepository: Updates the properties of a repository


associate-external-connectionAdds an existing external connection to a repository. One external connection is allowed per repository. A repository can have one or more upstream repositories, or an external connection
copy-package-versionsCopies package versions from one repository to another repository in the same domain. You must specify versions or versionRevisions. You cannot specify both
create-domainCreates a domain. CodeArtifact domains make it easier to manage multiple repositories across an organization. You can use a domain to apply permissions across many repositories owned by different AWS accounts. An asset is stored only once in a domain, even if it's in multiple repositories. Although you can have multiple domains, we recommend a single production domain that contains all published artifacts so that your development teams can find and share packages. You can use a second pre-production domain to test changes to the production domain configuration
create-repositoryCreates a repository
delete-domainDeletes a domain. You cannot delete a domain that contains repositories. If you want to delete a domain with repositories, first delete its repositories
delete-domain-permissions-policyDeletes the resource policy set on a domain
delete-package-versionsDeletes one or more versions of a package. A deleted package version cannot be restored in your repository. If you want to remove a package version from your repository and be able to restore it later, set its status to Archived. Archived packages cannot be downloaded from a repository and don't show up with list package APIs (for example, ListackageVersions), but you can restore them using UpdatePackageVersionsStatus
delete-repositoryDeletes a repository
delete-repository-permissions-policyDeletes the resource policy that is set on a repository. After a resource policy is deleted, the permissions allowed and denied by the deleted policy are removed. The effect of deleting a resource policy might not be immediate. Use DeleteRepositoryPermissionsPolicy with caution. After a policy is deleted, AWS users, roles, and accounts lose permissions to perform the repository actions granted by the deleted policy
describe-domainReturns a DomainDescription object that contains information about the requested domain
describe-package-versionReturns a PackageVersionDescription object that contains information about the requested package version
describe-repositoryReturns a RepositoryDescription object that contains detailed information about the requested repository
disassociate-external-connectionRemoves an existing external connection from a repository
dispose-package-versionsDeletes the assets in package versions and sets the package versions' status to Disposed. A disposed package version cannot be restored in your repository because its assets are deleted. To view all disposed package versions in a repository, use ListPackageVersions and set the status parameter to Disposed. To view information about a disposed package version, use DescribePackageVersion
get-authorization-tokenGenerates a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in the domain. This API requires the codeartifact:GetAuthorizationToken and sts:GetServiceBearerToken permissions. For more information about authorization tokens, see AWS CodeArtifact authentication and tokens. CodeArtifact authorization tokens are valid for a period of 12 hours when created with the login command. You can call login periodically to refresh the token. When you create an authorization token with the GetAuthorizationToken API, you can set a custom authorization period, up to a maximum of 12 hours, with the durationSeconds parameter. The authorization period begins after login or GetAuthorizationToken is called. If login or GetAuthorizationToken is called while assuming a role, the token lifetime is independent of the maximum session duration of the role. For example, if you call sts assume-role and specify a session duration of 15 minutes, then generate a CodeArtifact authorization token, the token will be valid for the full authorization period even though this is longer than the 15-minute session duration. See Using IAM Roles for more information on controlling session duration
get-domain-permissions-policyReturns the resource policy attached to the specified domain. The policy is a resource-based policy, not an identity-based policy. For more information, see Identity-based policies and resource-based policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide
get-package-version-assetReturns an asset (or file) that is in a package. For example, for a Maven package version, use GetPackageVersionAsset to download a JAR file, a POM file, or any other assets in the package version
get-package-version-readmeGets the readme file or descriptive text for a package version. For packages that do not contain a readme file, CodeArtifact extracts a description from a metadata file. For example, from the <description> element in the pom.xml file of a Maven package. The returned text might contain formatting. For example, it might contain formatting for Markdown or reStructuredText
get-repository-endpointReturns the endpoint of a repository for a specific package format. A repository has one endpoint for each package format: npm pypi maven
get-repository-permissions-policyReturns the resource policy that is set on a repository
list-domainsReturns a list of DomainSummary objects for all domains owned by the AWS account that makes this call. Each returned DomainSummary object contains information about a domain
list-package-version-assetsReturns a list of AssetSummary objects for assets in a package version
list-package-version-dependenciesReturns the direct dependencies for a package version. The dependencies are returned as PackageDependency objects. CodeArtifact extracts the dependencies for a package version from the metadata file for the package format (for example, the package.json file for npm packages and the pom.xml file for Maven). Any package version dependencies that are not listed in the configuration file are not returned
list-package-versionsReturns a list of PackageVersionSummary objects for package versions in a repository that match the request parameters
list-packagesReturns a list of PackageSummary objects for packages in a repository that match the request parameters
list-repositoriesReturns a list of RepositorySummary objects. Each RepositorySummary contains information about a repository in the specified AWS account and that matches the input parameters
list-repositories-in-domainReturns a list of RepositorySummary objects. Each RepositorySummary contains information about a repository in the specified domain and that matches the input parameters
list-tags-for-resourceGets information about AWS tags for a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in AWS CodeArtifact
put-domain-permissions-policySets a resource policy on a domain that specifies permissions to access it. When you call PutDomainPermissionsPolicy, the resource policy on the domain is ignored when evaluating permissions. This ensures that the owner of a domain cannot lock themselves out of the domain, which would prevent them from being able to update the resource policy
put-repository-permissions-policySets the resource policy on a repository that specifies permissions to access it. When you call PutRepositoryPermissionsPolicy, the resource policy on the repository is ignored when evaluating permissions. This ensures that the owner of a repository cannot lock themselves out of the repository, which would prevent them from being able to update the resource policy
tag-resourceAdds or updates tags for a resource in AWS CodeArtifact
untag-resourceRemoves tags from a resource in AWS CodeArtifact
update-package-versions-statusUpdates the status of one or more versions of a package
update-repositoryUpdate the properties of a repository
loginSets up the idiomatic tool for your package format to use your CodeArtifact repository. Your login information is valid for up to 12 hours after which you must login again