aws ce get-cost-categories

Retrieves an array of Cost Category names and values incurred cost. If some Cost Category names and values are not associated with any cost, they will not be returned by this API


--search-string <string>The value that you want to search the filter values for. If you do not specify a CostCategoryName, SearchString will be used to filter Cost Category names that match the SearchString pattern. If you do specify a CostCategoryName, SearchString will be used to filter Cost Category values that match the SearchString pattern
--time-period <structure>The time period of the request
--cost-category-name <string>The unique name of the Cost Category
--filter <structure>Use Expression to filter by cost or by usage. There are two patterns: Simple dimension values - You can set the dimension name and values for the filters that you plan to use. For example, you can filter for REGION==us-east-1 OR REGION==us-west-1. For GetRightsizingRecommendation, the Region is a full name (for example, REGION==US East (N. Virginia). The Expression example looks like: { "Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", “us-west-1” ] } } The list of dimension values are OR'd together to retrieve cost or usage data. You can create Expression and DimensionValues objects using either with* methods or set* methods in multiple lines. Compound dimension values with logical operations - You can use multiple Expression types and the logical operators AND/OR/NOT to create a list of one or more Expression objects. This allows you to filter on more advanced options. For example, you can filter on ((REGION == us-east-1 OR REGION == us-west-1) OR (TAG.Type == Type1)) AND (USAGE_TYPE != DataTransfer). The Expression for that looks like this: { "And": [ {"Or": [ {"Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ] }}, {"Tags": { "Key": "TagName", "Values": ["Value1"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions": { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"] }}} ] } Because each Expression can have only one operator, the service returns an error if more than one is specified. The following example shows an Expression object that creates an error. { "And": [ ... ], "DimensionValues": { "Dimension": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": [ "DataTransfer" ] } } For the GetRightsizingRecommendation action, a combination of OR and NOT is not supported. OR is not supported between different dimensions, or dimensions and tags. NOT operators aren't supported. Dimensions are also limited to LINKED_ACCOUNT, REGION, or RIGHTSIZING_TYPE. For the GetReservationPurchaseRecommendation action, only NOT is supported. AND and OR are not supported. Dimensions are limited to LINKED_ACCOUNT
--sort-by <list>The value by which you want to sort the data. The key represents cost and usage metrics. The following values are supported: BlendedCost UnblendedCost AmortizedCost NetAmortizedCost NetUnblendedCost UsageQuantity NormalizedUsageAmount Supported values for SortOrder are ASCENDING or DESCENDING. When using SortBy, NextPageToken and SearchString are not supported
--max-results <integer>This field is only used when SortBy is provided in the request. The maximum number of objects that to be returned for this request. If MaxResults is not specified with SortBy, the request will return 1000 results as the default value for this parameter. For GetCostCategories, MaxResults has an upper limit of 1000
--next-page-token <string>If the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the limit, AWS returns a NextPageToken value in the response. To retrieve the next batch of objects, provide the NextPageToken from the prior call in your next request
--cli-input-json <string>Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by ``--generate-cli-skeleton``. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally
--generate-cli-skeleton <string>Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value ``input``, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for ``--cli-input-json``. If provided with the value ``output``, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command