asr restore

Restores a disk image or volume to another volume


--source <source>Can be a disk image, /dev entry, or volume mountpoint
--target <target>Can be a /dev entry, or volume mountpoint
--file <source>When performing a multicast restore, --file can be specified instead of --target
--eraseErases target and is required. --erase must always be used, as file copies are no longer supported by asr
--format [HFS+ | HFSX]Specifies the destination filesystem format
--nopromptSuppresses the prompt which usually occurs before target
--timeout [num]Specifies num seconds that a multicast client should wait when no payload data has been received over a multicast stream before exiting
--puppetstringsProvide progress output that is easy for another program to parse
--noverifySkips the verification steps normally taken to ensure that a volume has been properly restored
--allowfragmentedcatalogAllows restores to proceed even if the source's catalog file is fragmented
--SHA256Forces the restore to use the SHA-256 hash in the image during verification
--sourcevolumenameTells asr which volume in the source container to invert when doing an APFS restore
--sourcevolumeUUIDTells asr which volume in the source container to invert when doing an APFS restore
--useReplicationForces asr to use replication for restoring APFS volumes
--useInverterForces asr to use the inverter for restoring APFS volumes
--toSnapshotSpecifies the snapshot on the source APFS volume to restore to the target APFS volume
--fromSnapshotNames a snapshot on the source APFS volume to use in combination with --toSnapshot to specify a snapshot delta to restore to the target APFS volume