ansible-playbook <playbook...>

Runs Ansible playbooks, executing the defined tasks on the targeted hosts




--ask-vault-passAsk for vault password
--flush-cacheClears the fact cache for every host in inventory
--force-handlersRun handlers even if a task fails
--list-hostsOutputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute
--list-tagsList all available tags
--list-tasksList all tasks that would be executed
--skip-tags <tags>Only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values
--start-at-task <task name>Start the playbook at the task matching this name one-step-at-a-time
--stepExecute one-step-at-a-time
--syntax-checkPerform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it
--vault-id <vault ID>Specify the vault identity to use
--vault-password-file <vault password file>Specify a vault password file
--versionShow program's version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location and executable location
--check, -CDon't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur
--diff, -DWhen changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files
--module-path, -M <module path>Prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library
--extra-vars, -e <extra vars>Set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @
--forks, -f <forks>Specify number of parallel processes to use
--help, -hShow help for ansible
--inventory, -i <inventory>Specify inventory host path or comma separated host list
--limit, -l <subset>Limit selected hosts to an additional pattern
--tags, -t <tags>Only run plays and tasks tagged with these values
--verbose, -vEnable verbose mode
-vvvEnable very verbose mode
-vvvvEnable connection debug mode
--become-method <become method>Privilege escalation method to use
--become-user <become user>Privilege escalation user to use
--ask-become-pass, -KPrompt for privilege escalation password
--become, -bRun operations with become
--private-key, --key-file <private key>Use this fole to authenticate the connection
--scp-extra-args <SCP extra args>Extra arguments to pass to (only) scp
--sftp-extra-args <SFTP extra args>Extra arguments to pass to (only) sftp
-ssh-extra-args <SSH extra args>Extra arguments to pass to (only) ssh
--ssh-common-args <SSH common args>Extra arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh
--timeout, -T <timeout>Override the connection timeout in seconds
--connection, -c <connection type>Connection type to use
--ask-pass, -kAsk for connection password
--user, -u <user>Connect as this user