airflow webserver

Start a Airflow webserver instance


-h, --helpShow this help message and exit
-A, --access-logfile <access_logfile>The logfile to store the webserver access log. Use '-' to print to stderr
-L, --access-logformat <access_logformat>The access log format for gunicorn logs
-D, --daemonDaemonize instead of running in the foreground
-d, --debugUse the server that ships with Flask in debug mode
-E, --error-logfile <error_logfile>The logfile to store the webserver error log. Use '-' to print to stderr
-H, --hostname <hostname>Set the hostname on which to run the web server
-l, --log-file <log_file>Location of the log file
--pid [pid]PID file location
-p, --port <port>The port on which to run the server
--ssl-cert <ssl_cert>Path to the SSL certificate for the webserver
--ssl-key <ssl_key>Path to the key to use with the SSL certificate
--stderr <stderr>Redirect stderr to this file
--stdout <stdout>Redirect stdout to this file
-t, --worker-timeout <worker_timeout>The timeout for waiting on webserver workers
-k, --workerclass <workerclass>The worker class to use for Gunicorn
-w, --workers <workers>Number of workers to run the webserver on