Docs›Generator›Using different generator types
Types of Generators
There are 4 types of generators. They all give you the ability to define what shell command(s) to run. Then given that output, parse it however you'd like to produce Suggestion objects.
They types of Generator are listed below in order of customizability.
We would say the vast majority of Generators you make will be using Templates and/or Script as a String
For reference on each generator type's properties, see the Generators Reference
Filepaths or folders are very common arguments for subcommands. e.g.
git add [file or folder path]
cd [folder path]
open [file or folder path]
ls -l [file or folder path]
Because it's so common, Fig has predefined these arguments for you as a template.
// Define templates inside generators in order
// to use the filterTemplateSuggestions function
const args: Fig.Arg = {
generator: {
template: "filepaths",
filterTemplateSuggestions: (suggestions) => {
const jsFiles = suggestions.filter((currentFile) =>
return jsFiles;
Including a filterTemplateSuggestions
function allows for direct filtering of the suggestions generated by the template
. In this example, only JavaScript files are shown to the user.
// Define templates directly underneath args if you don't need to filter
// This also looks nicer and is easier to read
const args: Fig.Arg = {
template: "filepaths",
Script as a String
If you're suggesting something other than files or folders, we recommend using this. This let's you run a mini-script / command on the user's computer. The script runs in the user's current working directory and in the same shell. It's as if the user typed the command themselves.
The output from the script you specify is then converted to Suggestion objects. We can do this for you with splitOn
or you can process the output yourself with postProcess
. Not that you must specify at least one of splitOn
or postProcess
const generateBranches: Fig.Generator = {
script: "git branch",
splitOn: "\\n",
// OR
postProcess: (scriptOutput: string) => {
const arr = scriptOutput.split("\\n");
// return an array of Suggestion Objects
return => {
return {
name: currentElement,
icon: "🌱",
The above code runs the git branch
script and generates a list of suggestion objects by splitting the output by newline characters with the splitOn
function. Alternatively, more complex filtering logic can be written in the postProcess
method, which takes the output of the script as an output, and returns an array of suggestion objects.
Script as a Function
Using Script as a Function may be necessary when you want to run scripts dynamically based on parts of the command that the user has entered. For example, Heroku requires the function takes a parameter, context
, which includes an array of strings broken down into components. The strings can then be used as values to pass to the script you'd like to return.
When running git checkout main
, context
equals ["git", "checkout", "main"].
Context can discern different components including those grouped by quotes. When running touch "new file"
, context
equals ["touch", "new file"].
const args: Fig.Arg = {
// Take an array of what the user has already input
// e.g.
script: (context) => {
var myScript;
if (contextArray) {
// Return string
return myScript;
splitOn: "",
// **OR**
postProcess: (scriptOutput) => {
// code
// [optional]
trigger: (after, before) => {},
The properties below are exactly the same as Script as a String except for the script
prop. In that case
Custom Function
- An argument can be one of many types, and you want to provide suggestions once you have more context on what type the user is inputting.
e.g. git checkout
supports multiple types of arguments
git checkout staging
→ branchgit checkout h8ne3x
→ commit hashgit checkout HEAD~
→ Relative refspec
(If you're interested here are a lot more)
You could just use a script as a string Generator and only suggest branches by using git branch
. This would be nice and would work fine. But it would be cool if you could type HEAD^^
and have Fig tell you which commit description you are referring to. Custom functions let you do this.
- An argument takes its own sub-arguments that are not delimited by a space
e.g. in npm
you can refer to a package in many ways AND then you can provide sub-arguments like the version, tag, and range, all within the same string.
Your function could do multiple regex matches on the argument the user is inputting. If it begins with an @
symbol, then run a script to suggest a list of scopes. When the user types /
, suggest a list of packages. As soon as the user types another @
symbol, suggest a list of tags or versions associate with the input package name.
const args: Fig.Arg = {
generator: {
custom: async (context) => {
const currentArg = context[-1];
let output;
if (currentArg.includes(":")) {
output = await runFigCommand("foo");
} else {
output = await runFigCommand("bar");
return out.split("\\n");