DocsGeneratorPrebuilt generators

Prebuilt Generators

Some generators are used in many different specs but not enough to be included directly into the Fig source code, so we created an npm package to collect them.


This package is already added as a dependency in the autocomplete repo and using it in a completion spec is as simple as importing it.

import { filepaths } from "@fig/autocomplete-generators"

The generators imported from this packages are only bundled in the specs that import them so everything stays as lightweight as possible.

Exported generators


Adds more control over the suggested files and folders allowing to filter them or perform fast edits to the generated suggestions.

Example: filter by extension

const completion: Fig.Spec = {
  name: "python3"
  // of the completion
  args: {
    generators: filepaths({
      extensions: ["py"], // this will suggest all the filepaths in the current directory that has `.py` as the extension

Example: edit the file suggestions and do not suggest folders

  editFileSuggestions: { priority: 76, icon: 'some_icon_path.png' },
  suggestFolders: 'never',

Example: edit the folder suggestions and filter files by name

  equals?: ['foo.txt'],
  matches: /bar/g,
  editFileSuggestions: { priority: 25 },

NOTE: if either equals or matches criteria matches the suggestion gets displayed

Example: filter files AND folders by name

  suggestFolders: 'filter',
  equals?: ['foo.txt', 'foo'],
  matches: /bar/g,


Create a generator that gives suggestions for key=value arguments.

Example: add a key-value generator

// cli a=1 b=3 c=2
const spec: Fig.Spec = {
  name: "cli",
  args: {
    name: "values",
    isVariadic: true,
    generators: keyValue({
      keys: ["a", "b", "c"],
      values: ["1", "2", "3"],

Example: specify a custom separator and cache suggestions

// key1:value
  separator: ":", // this defaults to an equal (=)
  keys: [
    { name: "key1", icon: "fig://icon?type=string" },
    { name: "key2", icon: "fig://icon?type=string" },
  cache: true,

NOTE: if keys or values is omitted


An extension of keyValue that also accept multiple key-values separated by a character (e.g. cli app:prod,test:beta,ci:beta)

Example: add a key-value list generator with cache

  separator: ":", // this defaults to an equal (=)
  delimiter: "," // this defaults to a comma (,)
  keys: ["app", "test", "ci"],
  values: ["prod", "staging", "beta"],
  cache: true,

Contribute to the package

You can contribute with your own generators here by opening a PR in the autocomplete-tools repo on GitHub.