vim <filepaths>

Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor




-vVi mode (like 'vi')
-eEx mode (like 'ex')
-EImproved Ex mode
-s [scriptin]Enable silent mode (when in ex mode), or Read Normal mode commands from file
-dDiff mode (like 'vimdiff')
-yEasy mode (like 'evim', modeless)
-RReadonly mode (like 'view')
-ZRestricted mode (like 'rvim')
-mModifications (writing files) not allowed
-MModifications in text not allowed
-bBinary mode
-lLisp mode
-CCompatible with Vi: 'compatible'
-NNot fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'
-V <N> <fname>Be verbose [level N] [log messages to fname]
-DDebugging mode
-nNo swap file, use memory only
-r [filename]Recover crashed session if filename is specified, otherwise list swap files and exit
-L <filename>Same as -r
-T <terminal>Set terminal type to <terminal>
--not-a-termSkip warning for input/output not being a terminal
--ttyfailExit if input or output is not a terminal
-u <vimrc>Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc
--nopluginDon't load plugin scripts
-p [N]Open N tab pages (default: one for each file)
-o [N]Open N windows (default: one for each file)
-O [N]Like -o but split vertically
+ [lnum]Start at end of file, if line number is specified, start at that line
--cmd <command>Execute <command> before loading any vimrc file
-c <command>Execute <command> after loading the first file
-S <session>Source file <session> after loading the first file
-w <scriptout>Append all typed commands to file <scriptout>
-W <scriptout>Write all typed commands to file <scriptout>
-xEdit encrypted files
--startuptime <file>Write startup timing messages to <file>
-i <viminfo>Use <viminfo> instead of .viminfo
--clean'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo
-h, --helpPrint Help message and exit
--versionPrint version information and exit