
The Ionic command-line interface (CLI) is the go-to tool for developing Ionic apps


buildBuild web assets and prepare your app for any platform targets
completionEnables tab-completion for Ionic CLI commands
docsOpen the Ionic documentation website
infoPrint project, system, and environment information
initInitialize existing projects with Ionic
linkConnect local apps to Ionic
loginLog in to Ionic
logoutLog out of Ionic
repairRemove and recreate dependencies and generated files
serveStart a local dev server for app dev/testing
signupCreate an Ionic account
startCreate a new project
configConfig commands for Ionic
capacitorCapacitor commands Ionic
deployAppFlow deploy commands for Ionic
gitGit commands for Ionic
packagePackage commands for Ionic
sslSSL commands for Ionic
sshSSH commands for Ionic
doctorDoctor commands for Ionic
integrationsIntegration commands for Ionic
enterpriseEnterprise commands for Ionic
cordovaCordova commands for Ionic