How To Create New Blog Posts

Create a new *.mdx file under /post with the following structure:

Post Structure

import BlogLayout from "../../../components/blog/blogLayout"

export const meta = {
  "title": "Post Title",
  "author": "Post Author",
  "authorTwitter": "",
  "datePublished": "Date in MM/d/yyyy format as string",
  "summary": "Post Summary",
  "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
  "category": "Post Category",
  "published": "false"

[all content goes here]

export default ({ children }) => <BlogLayout meta={meta}>{children}</BlogLayout>


The cards at /blog are generated from the meta objects of each post.

All keys and values for the meta object must be either a string (or array of strings for tags) A post will not show up on the site unless the value for published is "true" (as a string)


All content must be placed after the meta object Styling for the content is the same as that of the support docs